What will the course Cover?
You will learn how to cook one or two dishes per session and speak Italian the whole time. You will cook and eat regional, simple and healthy dishes with fellow students of Italian, discussing the recipe and outcome in the target language. Imparerai a cucinare uno o due piatti a lezione, conversando in italiano per tutta la durata. Cucinerai piatti tipici, semplici e sani con altri studenti d’italiano, parleremo di ogni piatto e ricetta e finiremo ogni lezione assaggiando il piatto che hai creato.
Who is this course for?
Anyone with an intermediate level of Italian who would like to improve their language skills and knowledge of Italy and the Italians through cooking and the culture of eating together.
What skills, knowledge or experience do I need to start this course?
You need to have studied Italian for at least two years. If in doubt, try a class before you enrol.
What should I be able to do by the end of the course?
- recall vocabulary related to ingredients and stages of a recipe - increase your comprehension and listening skills - provide opinions and ideas on recipes and styles of cooking - discuss a variety of outcome for the same recipe/dish
How is the course organised?
This is a 1-week course, everyday, for 3 hours each lesson. You will be given a short list of ingredients to purchase each day and should bring take away containers for the end of each lesson, if you want to take your dish home.
What extra study or practice is expected outside of the class?
Reviewing and learning (by heart, if possible) what has been done in the class. Preparing for your next lesson by reading the recipe in advance and purchasing the key ingredients (5 or 6 per lesson).
How will my progress be assessed?
Continuous assessment in the form or reading and comprehension tasks, practical activities of cooking, whole group discussions.
What can I expect to go on to after this course?
A variety of courses and levels are offered online (www.hfals.ac.uk), please check with your tutor.
Are there any other costs and what do I need to bring?
You will be asked to buy ingredients in advance. this will cost around 30£ for the whole week.
What support is available?
Help with literacy or numeracy is available through the basic education programme and the ESOL programme offers help for speakers of other languages. Additional support can be provided for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Details are available from the guide and from teaching or reception staff.