Learner feedback

We value your feedback
Please take the time to tell us what you think. Your feedback helps us to know when we are ‘getting it right’ and also helps us to listen to our learners and make improvements to the service.
Website feedback
Tell us what you think of our website and help us improve.
Tell us about an individual web page by clicking on one of the smiley faces in the feedback widget on the right of the page you want to comment on. (The smiley faces appear on the footer if you are on your mobile phone).
Feedback cards
Around the buildings you will find comment /compliment cards that can be completed and handed to reception, or you can email alssinfo@lbhf.gov.uk using subject heading Feedback.
Other ways to tell us what you think:
- annual student satisfaction survey
- end of course evaluations
- post evaluation questionnaires
- focus groups