What will the course Cover?
Court and legal system in England and Wales – Criminal and Civil Law Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting Sight Translation Written Translation This course offers training in the interpreting and translating skills needed for the DPSI exam (June 2024) run by the IoL Educational Trust. It covers the development of the language of legislation and regulations for equal access to public services irrespective of language and culture. There will be a mixture of lectures on various aspects of the legal system and legal concepts and practical work on interpreting and translation. Each bilngual course is open only to speakers of a particular language to maximise use of both the target language and their mother tongue. The mixed languages preparation course is open to all but the medium of instruction will be English.Students will work on past papers as well as handouts specifically prepared by the course tutors. The exam will consist of the following 5 units: UNIT 01 (Level 6): Interpret Consecutively and Simultaneously (Whispered) in the Public Services UNIT 02 (Level 6): Provide a Sight Translation into English in the Public Services UNIT 03 (Level 6): Provide a Sight Translation from English in the Public Services UNIT 04 (Level 5): Translate into English in the Public Services UNIT 05 (Level 5): Translate from English in the Public Services
Who is this course for?
Those who wish to prepare for the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (English Law Option) exam, particularly those whose languages are not offered as separate courses Those who wish to learn about legal interpreting at a professional level
What skills, knowledge or experience do I need to start this course?
Previous experience in interpreting is preferred but even learners with no experience at all are welcome if of the right calibre. You should be fluent in both English and you other language(s) in both its spoken and written form. If you are not a native speaker of English your level should be around IELTS 6.5 or above or Cambridge Advanced.
What should I be able to do by the end of the course?
• Understand legal and police terms and provide their equivalent in the other language. • Interpret consecutively and simultaneously during a role play set on a legal context, from English into the other language and vice versa • Provide a sight translation a leaflet set in a legal context, from English into the other language and vice versa • Carry out a technical translation of a law-related matter from English into the other language and vice versa
How is the course organised?
This course is entirely online except for a couple of sessiosn devoted to court visits. A typical lesson will include a topic of English law, work on creating a bilingual glossary, followed by interpreting/translation practice. Visits to Magistrates’ and Crown courts included in the course A combination of whole class teaching, group work and role play. Visits to courts and other Public Service Providers. This course runs for 18 weeks from January to June 2024 and is dleivered blended (mosty online but with at least 4 face to face sessions)
What extra study or practice is expected outside of the class?
Average 3 hours extra study per week outside the class, including written translations, further reading, further work on glossaries and interpreting practice. Learner is expected to carry out independent research and reading to ensure his/her standard of the other language is adequate for the level required.
How will my progress be assessed?
"You will be encouraged to assess your own progress with help from your tutor, who will monitor your achievements by question and answer, some written work, quizzes, questionnaires, games and some more formal achievement tests. Record of your work will be kept in your Individual Learning Plan to help record the steps taken towards achieving your goals. "
What can I expect to go on to after this course?
You can sit the exam (by registering and paying directly to the Chartered Institute of Linguist) If you achieve the qualification, you can apply to join the National Register of Public Service Interpreters
Are there any other costs and what do I need to bring?
Please bring pen and a notebook/ paper to write on. Tutor will advise if a textbook is required and where to purchase it.
What support is available?
Please speak to reception if you require any additional help or support during the course. Details are available from the guide and from teaching or reception staff. "