60 seconds with - Fazia Hussein
Faiza was referred to the centre by her sister who had previously completed the Level 3 supporting teaching and learning qualification at the centre.
Adult Learning and Skills Service
For the past year, the Adult Learning and Skills Service has been delivering classes online.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback regarding your experience of learning online - both the positive aspects, and ways in which it could be improved.
We would like to understand how different methods of teaching and learning work. By taking part you will have your say in how we plan future courses.
Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. Go to this website to do the survey: ALSS Online course survey
If you need any help completing the survey, please ask your tutor.
As a thank you for taking the time to complete this survey you will be put in a draw to win a free one-term community learning course.
The survey will close on Monday 14th June.