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Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts
Julie joined the City & Guilds certificate in creative techniques in 2D Level 2 course in September 2019. She attended one of Stephen Gregson’s courses in the previous academic term in
the summer. Prior to this she had not studied art at all apart from at school, so her learning and creative journey has been an extraordinary one within such a short period.
Julie is a very dedicated student and has never been afraid to try out new techniques and materials. During her time on the City & Guilds course she has produced some very accomplished pieces of work and developed both her observational and creative skills to an impressive level.
This course is ideal for someone like Julie who had reached a crossroads in her life and needed some direction. It has given her both fulfilment and clarity, and allowed her to focus on the way forward.
We feel confident that she will make the most of her experience with us as a learner and progress to further levels of achievement both in her art and career path
The course has been ideal for someone like me. As a beginner it has opened a visual creative side of me that I never really knew I had.
Whilst admiring the work of an artist, I told him that one of the items on my bucket list was to do a beginners drawing class but that I didn’t think I had any ability. He offered to give me a quick lesson and under his guidance we produced two pieces of work that really surprised me. This gave me the confidence to look for a course.
After looking online for a beginners’ drawing class, I found Stephen Gregson’s class and joined in the Summer Term 2019. I enjoyed it so much that I joined his course again in September 2019. I heard about the City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate in 2D
Drawing and Painting from staff at the centre and ended up applying for that too. I showed the tutor Tim Cunliffe six pieces of my work, and he accepted me on the course. To be honest, it was quite serendipitous, and I didn’t really expect to be able to do this course, but I was very grateful and happily surprised to be accepted.
The course has been ideal for someone like me. As a beginner it has opened a visual creative side of me that I never really knew I had to the extent I’m discovering.
I am a reflective learner and very inquisitive by nature. I have used what I have learned in each lesson as a spring board to further explore and experiment beyond what we do in the classroom.
The course has both practical and theoretical elements. On the practical side of things I have been introduced to an array of techniques, tools, equipment, materials and how to use them. On the theoretical side I now have an understanding of historical art movements to the present day and how an artists style of work may have been influenced by each period or indeed if they actually changed the course of an art movement or pioneered a particular technique. This is the tip of the iceberg as there is so much to learn and no doubt, I will continue my learning way beyond this course.
As the course has progressed, I’ve been armed with new knowledge of techniques, materials, tools and equipment. Over this time, I’ve been able to pool some of these new learnings together to create my own art works. I’m so happy about this, as the course has helped me to find ways to execute the ideas I have in my head, which was something I struggled with and found frustrating before.
Prior to doing the course I had recovered from a car accident followed by a three year battle whereby I had a problem with my hands requiring regular hospital treatments and hand therapy because I couldn’t use them properly. Doing this course has given me a new-found purpose and direction in life.
My journey at the centre with art has unfolded organically and has been very stimulating. It has now opened doors for me to consider further study and a career in art.
Art pieces by Julie Macedo