Safeguarding & Prevent

All hands in



We are committed to safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults, and also to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all learners. We work with the local safeguarding boards and recruit and train staff in line with current legislation. If you have any concerns about the treatment of young people, or of vulnerable adults please contact  If you observe any health and safety issues, please contact a member of staff as soon as possible.




From 1 July 2015, Parliament made it a statutory requirement for the council to:


“have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism."


Prevent focuses on supporting and protecting people who might be susceptible to radicalisation. Our adult learning and skills service uses established safeguarding processes to ensure awareness of Prevent for both staff and learners and so help divert potentially vulnerable people from becoming involved in extreme or radical groups.


For full details regarding Prevent, please click here

Key Documents